Although chelation therapy for prevention and treatment of degenerative circulatory diseases is practiced by hundreds of medical doctors in the USA and Europe, it remains controversial, inasmuch as it is misunderstood, its use being grossly under investigated by mainstream medicine except in treating a narrow range of conditions such as lead and other heavy metal toxicity or acute hypercalcaemia (increased calcium levels in the blood). Ironically, it was the medical use of chelation therapy in removing toxic metals which first led to the discovery of its hugely beneficial 'side-effects' of dramatically enhanced circulatory function. Those doctors who have examined chelation therapy in action and who have seen its outstanding results in preventing and reversing so many degenerative diseases, usually change rapidly from critics to supporters of this essentially safe system.
It is not uncommon for a course of chelation therapy to result in improved eyesight. Chelation therapy has been used successfully in the specific treatment of various eye conditions, including macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Of these applications, the most frequent has been in relation to AMD. This may be, first, because AMD is quite common; and secondly, because in most cases of AMD there are few alternative medical treatments available. The literature on the use of chelation therapy is not extensive. However, a number of chelation therapy physicians have reported measurable improvements in AMD patient's eyesight following chelation therapy.
IV infusion of the chelating agent, EDTA, together with certain vitamins has two biochemical reactions. The first reaction is the elimination of excess oxidizing free radical activity, brought about by the removal of certain heavy metals in the body which are catalysts for free radicals. Free radicals are a major cause of arterial disease, leading to impaired blood circulation.
The second reaction is thought to be redistribution of calcium and calcium deposits and ectopic deposits. Both of these reactions improve cellular respiration. It is not surprising therefore, that chelation therapy can result in arresting or partially reversing AMD. It should be noted that the beneficial effects of chelation therapy in relation to AMD occur slowly and require 30 or more infusions over a period of months. While chelation therapy is proceeding, care must be taken to ensure that patients receive adequate mineral and vitamin supplementation. In addition, clinical examinations should be performed regularly to ensure that normal kidney function is maintained. Quantitative ophthalmic measurements should be taken prior to treatment and progress followed to record changes.
In summary, chelation therapy has been found to alleviate and in some cases even reverse the onset of macular degeneration. The consistency of case histories indicates that patients should be informed of chelation therapy as an option as soon as AMD is suspected or diagnosed. For more information on chelation therapy or for a referral to a physician who practices chelation therapy, contact the American College for Advancement in Medicine through their website at:
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