Alcohol treatment programs across the country are getting calls today, from women who have relapsed or realized over the weekend that perhaps their alcohol problem has gotten out of hand.
Perhaps it used to be a lighthearted enough social event: drinking with your friends throughout an evening or while out for a day at the beach or the ballpark. However, somewhere a while back you realized that you crossed the line from social drinking to binge drinking, and you know that it has caused consequences in your life. You may even be feeling miserable when you drink, but you continue to drink because you just can't stop. You are beginning to wonder if you need an alcohol treatment program.
What Is Binge Drinking?
Binge drinking is the excessive consumption of alcohol over a short period of time. It is often a group event, especially if you have friends who also are problem drinkers. Binge drinking is most often characterized by multiple drinks resulting in heavy intoxication. It can take place only on weekends or days off, giving the impression that the person is in control of his or her drinking; however, once the person begins drinking, she often can't stop until heavy ingestion has occurred. Because of the heavy intake of alcohol over a relatively short period of time, blackouts and vomiting often occur and hangovers are the common morning-after greeting. While a blackout may signal the need for an alcohol treatment program, there are plenty of other signals that should trigger you to consider joining a program.
Signs that you need an alcohol treatment program
Here are some signs that your drinking has progressed to the point that you need professional help:
- craving alcohol or finding yourself wanting to drink
- drinking more than you told yourself you would
- needing more alcohol to achieve a desired level of intoxication
- engaging in risky behavior while under the influence of alcohol
- missing work or family commitments due to either drinking or hangovers
- blackouts or periods of time you cannot remember
- legal consequences such as citations for drinking in public or arrests for driving under the influence
- broken or strained family relationships due to your drinking
- arguing with those who confront you about your drinking
Alcohol treatment programs help women of all ages and with all types of alcohol abuse problems. Binge drinking is commonly brushed off as a weekend habit, but when this habit affects your daily life or causes you to engage in risky behavior or results in legal consequences it is time to recognize that you need help. Be assured that admitting the need for help is the first step to recovery and often the most difficult one. An alcohol treatment program for women might be the right place for you to receive the treatment and support you need to regain control in your life.
If you or a woman you love is having problems with alcohol abuse and recovery, an alcohol treatment program for women can help reduce the risk of relapse. Remember that recovery from addiction and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support.
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