Addiction to Oxycontin: Where to Begin Getting Help
There is assistance if you or your loved one has an addiction to Oxycontin, addiction to Vicodin, addiction to codeine, or other narcotics. All hope is not lost. There are millions of others around you that have been able to recover and lead happy lives. If there is one thing in common with those who recover, it is that they keep going. It may take five or more treatment attempts for some, but one can definitely stop drug use.
The first place to start is by allowing the idea you might have substance abuse problem. Many individuals never get to this point. They may say they get high because of their pain,companion, or setting, but doing this does not help their situation. You have the best control over yourself and this is the place to start. Others may have a negative influence on you life and be unhelpful with you getting abstinent. You are going to need to change yourself and find the helpful individuals who can support you in doing this.
Admitting drug use in your life causes problems does not mean you are a bad person. It also doesn't mean drugs caused all the trouble in you life. It is just means you are willing to have an open mind of how drug use may be affecting you.
It is helpful to find someone who is in recovery. This could be through a 12 step program, a church, or just a friend who had been a user and quit. Find a person in recovery who is not going to preach to you or confront you; find someone just to talk. Recovery involves looking at the damage in you life that drug use has caused. It also involves seeing to good things that have come to others that have quit. Taking to others about the good things can be very helpful and motivating.
Make a list of the things you would like to see improved in your personal and social circumstances. Imagine you would like to see yourself making more money at your job; perhaps spending time with your family every weekend instead of seeking drugs. It could be not being worried you will be arrested. Maybe you want that new bike, motorcycle, or car. What about feeling good about not feeling like someone is going to find out you are using. Anything that you find motivating to quit is helpful.
Addiction to Oxycontin: Online Help
Here are places to get help for patients with a narcotic problem.
SAMHSA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association: This is a wonderful site that contains many topics for the public and professionals. The government brochures they provide cover all areas of substance abuse. Prevention, treatment, and relapse topics are found here. It is an invaluable resource for patients and professionals looking for training and help with substance dependence. It is also good for families and friends looking to find drug fact information. Their web site can be found at
Al-Anon Family Groups: This organization says they provide "strength and hope for friends and families of problem drinkers." Many with narcotic problems also have drinking problems. Although this organization helps people enmeshed with problem drinkers, their support groups are so helpful, that they should be used by families of those who have dual addictions. If your loved one only has problems with pain pills, they can direct you to a good local support group. Their format is similar to 12 step programs where they sit in groups. Their official site can be found:
NIDA:National Institute on Drug Abuse covers all the "Science of Drug Abuse and Addiction." They are a complete source for drug and alcohol use information. Their agency contains scientific information on all drugs of abuse; and mass distribution pamphlets on numerous drugs of abuse; along with the latest research and meetings.
Your local mental health authority. Each community has their own programs for drug addiction. You can look in the Yellow Pages or online and do a search for you local by looking up "community mental health" and your city and state. These local organizations have their own programs for drug abuse treatment. In addition, they are familiar with the resources and health care professionals in the community that provide drug abuse treatment.
Summary: Addiction to Oxycontin: Begin Stopping the Addiction
- Make a decision to improve you life
- Talk to Someone Already In Recovery
- Find Federal/Local Help With Drug Information and Treatment
- Don't Give Up!
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