Friday, July 26, 2013

First of all, before we move forward into telling you about paruresis treatment, we would like to take this opportunity to tell you just what paruresis is. You see, paruresis is a medical term that is used in order to describe an individual that is not able to use the restroom in public. This term is often referred to as shy kidney, shy bladder, urophobia and bashful bladder syndrome.

When it comes to this problem, it can be found in both male and female of all ages. If you do not seek treatment for this problem, then it could cause you to have many complications with your health. This problem is also known for being a social phobia. If you are interested in getting rid of this problem (we couldn't see why you would not be interested), then we highly recommend you reading this article.

There are many reasons as to why individuals would have these problems. For some, it is due to having overly critical parents when they were a child. For others, it could have to do with a traumatic time in their life when they were not able to use the restroom when they needed to. As an example, whenever they were asked to give a sample of their urine. Generally, those individuals that have shy bladder fear what other people think of them.

The impact of this problem could range anywhere from mild to severe. If your problem is classified under a mild problem, then you are not able to use the restroom in some places, but in other places you can. For individuals that are dealing with shy bladder, there are a number of different treatments that are available.

Some common paruresis treatment consists of exposure therapy, cognitive therapy and even anti anxiety medications. Believe it or not, exposure therapy is very effective.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Alcoholism, Drug Abuse- Challenges Facing Family, Friends and the Addict in Britain

What are some of the challenges facing Britains who are tackling problems of alcohol abuse and drug addiction in their lives. In the UK, the difficulties facing addicts, alcoholics and their families are similar to others all over the world, but each culture has its own set of unique challenges. Learn to spot these in your home environment and get closer to the truth of the problem and how to recover from it. We look at things everyday but do we actually see how they are influencing our lives.

How Do You Recover From Drug Addiction and Alcoholism?

  1. Deciding something must be done about the problem
  2. Not waiting for the fabled "Rock Bottom"
  3. Finding your courage to not give up
  4. Giving the addict or alcoholic hope to get better
  5. Educating yourself on drug addicted behaviour and alcoholism
  6. Educating yourself on drug and alcohol rehab program alternatives and success rates
  7. Intervention, what to do, who can help
  8. Spotting social pressures, family and friends- Truth vs Marketing Lies

Alcohol and Marketing- The Truth vs. The Lie

It seems that alcohol is everywhere. In my local upscale fitness club in Central London, I am bombarded with wine adverts from the moment I walk in. At my local foodstore, it is 25% off wine bottles if I buy the alcohol in bulk. The pubs are always busy and almost always open. The coffee houses close early. Anytime is the right time for a drink, or so it seems. For those trying to enjoy a drug free and alcohol free life, this is a huge challenge in the fight to stay clean and sober.

Recently, one of the trendy London based radio stations just renamed themselves after a very well known brand of Vodka. Funny thing, when I think of that radio station, I also think of alcohol. Coincidence? Maybe...

Marketing Tells Us Alcohol Will Improve Your Life- See How?

Many primetime TV shows are sponsored by alcohol companies. Many programs make sure they show drinking alcohol and sex; drinking and having fun; drinking alcohol and sports. Drinking alcohol is promoted as going hand in hand with anything worthwhile in life. The alcohol producers seem to be winning as many consumers, are buying into that marketing strategy.

Honestly has alcohol bettered your life? Does it make you happier, stronger, more confident, healthy? Alcohol does not equal happiness and prosperity. It is a lie. We know this by all the pain and destroyed lives, that surround us. We know this by the 1.2 million violent crimes committed annually in England associated with alcohol.

Binging is socially accepted as a norm. If you live in the UK, I'm sure that this is familiar and so much so that most think nothing of it. Britain has a reputation as being a nation of binge drinkers. A sad truth that many would hope to dispel.

In the Borough of Camden London alone, there are an estimated 45,000 "hazardous drinkers" and then there are the estimated 11,000 "harmful and dependent drinkers". I think that the biggest challenge facing alcoholics is the Social Pressures to Drink Alcohol and Use Drugs. Take a moment to notice the way in which we get bombarded with alcohol publicity and that is one step closer to beating the problem.

What Is The Truth About Help And Recovery?

Honest help does make a relationship better, sex better, health better, work better. Being told that these things can be achieved in life through alcohol and drug use is not an honest effort to help but to harm. Look around your environment and see these social pressures for what they are. With that clarity, find the strength to follow the other steps to recovery and a drug and alcohol free life

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Three months ago, I came across a book titled THE WATER OF LIFE: A Treatise on Urine Therapy by John W. Armstrong. At first sight, I had the impression that the book had to do with the often talked about great healing powers of pure natural water. But soon, as I flipped through the initial pages of the book, I discovered that the subject of the book was not ordinary water but urine, a discovery that reinforced my curiosity to delve further into what the author had to say on the life potency of urine, a substance I had hitherto regarded with disgust as a dirty, poisonous and useless human waste, much on the same level as human excreta.

However, the more I read the book on urine therapy, the more curious and fascinated I became to read more of the author's discourse and 'strange' assertions and submissions until soon, I could no longer get myself to drop the book except to attend to very pressing engagement until I had read the book through.

I was thoroughly intrigued and completely taken aback not only by Armstrong's acclaimed healing power of urine therapy and its proven efficacy in the treatment of countless ailments including many of the so-called chronic and incurable diseases but even more so by his assertions on the impotency of traditional medical practice over these diseases such as cancer, gangrene, kidney failure, etc. What was even more intriguing was the litany of case studies cited by the author to prove urine therapy cure and what more, a long list of eminent orthodox and homeopath doctors who have corroborated the healing power of urine therapy. Just as I was highly excited by the author's expert and convincing analysis of urine by way of its constituents in disproving its completely poisonous or useless nature as claimed by orthodox medical practitioners for ages before now and as most ordinary people, including myself had been made to believe. I also found the author's logic on the healing potency of urine therapy both credible and unassailable based on his analogy of a tree which lives off its fallen or 'dead' leaves among other natural priniples.

The point consistently raised by the author that greatly bothered me was his allusion to a studied effort by medical practitioners to keep secret the healing power of urine therapy for purely personal and selfish purposes of sustaining their lucrative albeit expensive services to people, particularly those with chronic and 'incurable' diseases such as cancer. Even more worrisome was his observation to the effect that the therapies hitherto used by traditional medical practitioners in the cure of such chronic diseases such as radium, sera and vaccines not only have hardly and rarely brought about permanent cure of any 'incurable' disease but are also established 'poisons' with known damages and serious adverse effects to the human body and which most often ended up complicating and worsening the diseases and in fact increasing their potency and recurrence tendency, and all these facts, the author asserts, are well known to orthodox medical practitioners.

One of his quoted references offered me a real food for thought. Quoting Dr. W. H. WHITE, M.R.C.S., I.R.C.P.: Disease...becomes a vested interest, and consciously and unconsciously, the doctors foster it as such. It is quite a common observation that doctors produce disease. Moreover, the whole system and philosophy of our dealing with disease is mistaken."

Yet another bothering revelation made by Armstrong was the million dollar urine business that has been going on in the world besides that of orthodox medical practice, in the form highly expensive drugs and cosmetic formulas produced from urine constituents and sold to the same unwitting public who are made to regard urine with such disgust and rejection.

The orthodox medical practitioners did not merely stop at keeping the urine therapy secret secret all these ages. As the author further pointed out, orthodox medical practitioners having formed themselves into a pressure group association have over the years facilitated several laws in America making it illegal for any person other than a 'doctor' to claim, much less attempt to cure some so so-called special diseases they have dubbed incurable. By so doing, orthodox medical practitioners have not only succeeded in contriving a monopoly of public patronage in such cases but also their exploitative grip on unfortunate victims of such diseases who are made to pay through their nose for ultimately non-effective and more often, compounding treatments which they could have been cured of possibly without paying one dime on self urine therapy.

After reading the book, I came to a personal conviction and conclusion that urine therapy is an incontrovertible reality with unarguable efficacy which I made up my mind to try on myself. And this I did by applying old heated urine compress three times a day on a lump that had been on the left side of my abdomen as long as I could remember, perhaps from birth. The lump reduced to about half its former size after two weeks of application and disappeared completely after the next one week of application! Ever since, I have been drinking urine on routine basis and applying it as body massage based on the guidelines I learnt from John Armstrong and other experts in urine therapy I later searched out on the internet such us Martha Christy and Coen van der Kroon among others with tremendous improvement in my health and skin condition. I have since convinced my mother to join me to cure her overweight which she had since obliged with unbelievable results on her weight and general health condition.

I'd wish every other person out there began to use urine therapy to cure their ailments and regenerate and rejuvenate their body systems without paying a dime to any doctor.

At the end of the day, I am minded to agree that orthodox medical practitioners have been economical with the truth about the healing power of urine therapy, apparently for personal commercial gain at the expense and detriment of suffering and dying humanity. I now have no doubt that urine therapy is God's free gift of nature-cure to humanity in the same way he has provided all other basic things of life free to man including water, air, sunshine, rain, fire, name them, all of which, if it were possible, some learned professionals would have also kept secret from us and make us pay heavily to obtain any of them even in small quantity!

Friday, July 19, 2013

When you have to make a decision about treating children with ADHD this is never an easy one. On one hand, you are scared of the side effects associated with prescription drugs, but there also some reports stating that they can help to improve the life of both parents and children. Additionally, you have seen positive testimonials for the use of natural treatments but your medical doctor believes that they are just mirrors and smoke. For this reason, this article will help you to decide between two options for treating ADHD children.

The primary ADHD symptoms that you are attempting to treat would include distractibility/inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity or restlessness.

Treatment options for ADHD children

There are some stimulant medications that will work by arousing the volume of dopamine and norepinephrine formulated in the brain and these are undeniably the most well-known treatment option. Actually the names of such drugs are well-recognized, so most of them really don't need any introduction. These are Adderall, Ritalin, Dexedrine, Provigil, Desoxyn and Cylert. These stimulant medications also show good results in more than 7 out of 10 cases, but still have certain side-effect risks which includes insomnia, skin rashes, tics, appetite loss, stomach ache, headaches, personality changes and also a recurring effect as soon as the drugs begins to fade away. Recent studies also show a connection between these medications and drug addiction down the road. However, most doctors think that the benefits over-shadow the dangers and also that generally the cases of side effects tend to be exaggerated.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is another type of ADHD children treatment and this is fast becoming one the most common non-prescription alternatives. CBT is able to combine the best aspects of behavioral and cognitive therapy. Collectively, these two treatment options focus on the way your behaviors, thoughts and emotions impact one another. Quite simply, cognitive behavioral therapy will be a step-by-step approach for changing how you think and behave using association and conditioning.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The choice to change is ultimately up to the individual, but it is not easy and help is absolutely necessary if a person is going to have a chance at surviving this new way of living.

Since I spent so many years of my life dealing with addiction to alcohol and pain pills the chances for me to change alone were extremely slim. Often, these attempted changes would be so different from the normal routine that I could not adapt fast enough and eventually give in going back to what has always been comfortable for me. After all, my addictions did more than just give me a high, they were also my way of controlling my emotions and keeping me protected from the pains that came from feelings, my coping skills. This cycle would repeat itself over and over and always end up having the same results until I learned how to accept the help from people and not to shut them out when they got too close.

Now looking back at my own life's situations and the struggles I had with bad thinking errors and addiction problems as I was trying to get out of that same familiar cycle I think of the people along the way who offered help and made a huge difference in my life. From a prison counselor helping me to change the way I think to a free computer after my release that allowed me to consider giving education a chance.

One story in particular that shows the impact people can have on other people is when I had my car accident. Hit from behind and the car is totaled with me in the emergency room having a bunch of tests run to make sure I was OK. The injuries were not too bad, thankfully, but what was significant was that when the prescription for pain pills came I was able to turn them down. Not that I wanted to deal with the pain but rather I understood that the temporary pain from the accident was nothing compared path of destruction for me and my family that is brought on by my addictions if I chose to take the prescription.

When this information reached my Primary Care Physician he was interested in hearing more so we spoke many times over the next couple of weeks about my addictions, my history in dealing with illegal prescription drugs, and how I changed. He then took a chance with me and asked me to speak at his practice, which not only went well but opened the door to a long list of speeches that I would be delivering throughout the state of Maine. I now deliver a couple of speeches a week to Medical Offices, Universities, even Law Enforcement Agencies in an effort to help people learn more about prescription medication addictions as well as the way prescription drugs are acquired and moved on the street.

Being able to do what I do is all possible today because a long time ago someone helped me to learn how to think differently. To join the community and attend support group meetings, to be a part of instead of apart from. I learned how to call on people for help, to use support, to allow people in my life to be close to me and not shut them out. I learned that I am not alone and that there are many people who want to help.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Provo Canyon School a residential treatment facility owned and operated as a subsidiary of Universal Health Services, Inc, one of the nation's leading hospital management organization. Provo Canyon School specializes in treating teen boys and girls with emotional, behavioral and learning difficulties and have been unresponsive to outpatient counseling or previous inpatient psychiatric or substance abuse programs.

Amanda Beal is a therapist at Provo Canyon who comes to us with a rich background in individual and group therapy. She began her education at Utah Valley State College where she earned her Bachelor's in Behavioral Science. She then went on to earn her Master's in Counseling from Gonzaga University located in Spokane, Washington. She remarks that her Master's experience was amazing for her with many hours of face-to-face contact with very diverse populations of people. She found a particular interest in Attachment theory and is now working on her PhD at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT where it is the focus of her studies. She brings her knowledge and skills set to Provo Canyon School in a way that incorporates Attachment theory through a here and now approach. Her goal when working with the boys is to enhance the sense of healthy attachment that students have with their parents or guardians. Her therapeutic orientation is self-described as strengths based with a soft approach.

When she decided to come to Provo Canyon School it was very clear that the place she would be most helpful was with the younger, slightly milder population of boys. So far she has been using, play therapy with the students, such as puppets and role-playing as well was bringing sand tray therapy to the campus. Currently, she is looking to expand her use of sand tray therapy, which she is trained in and have a permanent set up of it in her office. She has found a great response for the boys that have been using it thus far, particularly those who have trouble articulating their thoughts and feelings verbally. Sand tray therapy has been proven to work with a variety of children with different disorders as well as being a great tool when working through trauma without talking. Amanda brings a new perspective to the program because of her softer, strengths based approach, as well as looking at things through an attachment lens. Amanda has been with us since July of 2006, and once she completes her PhD in August of 2008, she plans to stay with us.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Alcohol and Drug Addiction is a circumstance that needs immediate attention and medication. Addiction Treatment Centers will save the patient from becoming abusive of drugs. Education about what to do when prevailing over the addiction is found on Alcohol Drug. As addiction progresses, the patients' life is in danger. Addiction Treatment Centers mentioned that when you start to become used to it, the ability to impede is being compromised.

Many Alcohol Drug Rehabs work together to lessen the percentage of addiction in the state and also to save lives. Aside from allocating your loved one to go to Center, family members are also encouraged to show the patients their full support and love while they are undergoing treatment inside the Rehab Center.Once you suffer or perceive the early symptoms of the addiction, ask for an immediate treatment like going to Alcohol. Patients experiencing the addiction are directed to certain medical programs or phase to the Drug Rehab Center. Successful recovery depends on the Drug Rehab Center that you prefer.

Addiction Treatment Centers are imperative if you desire and hope of getting your normal life back. According to Alcohol Drug Rehabs, some of the common symptoms of the addiction are the inability to think clearly and control of one's behavior. Addiction Treatment Centers deem that early treatment provides fast resurgence. That's why, once you feel unwanted changes physically, mentally and emotionally it is recommended for you to rush to a rehab center for assistance.Based on Addiction Treatment Centers, addiction starts from experimenting and curiosity. The path develops and becomes worsen as the person turned out to be satisfied about the effects without knowing its damages to human health. Drug Rehab Center executes services that well-matched the needs of the patients.

As Alcohol Drug Rehabs work by providing treatment and support it gradually ends ones dependence to drugs. To save the patients' health from the lethal effects of drugs and alcohol is the focal objective of the rehabilitation center. Patients undergo series of healing processes that will let them understand what drug addiction is all about. With the help of recovery programs and treatment patients will realize how good it is to live life with freedom from drugs and alcohol,Knowing what center to go to is the best move to resolve problems of addiction. Treatment centers like Drug Help Co gives full assistance by providing sets of programs and useful facilities that will aid in faster recovery of patients.

A center is the best place on how to relearn living life without drugs. Alcohol Drug Rehabs deem that overcoming addiction is possible with apt medication by the rehab center. Don't let your life be ruined by drugs or alcohol, start the fight by going to Addiction Treatment Centers. Regaining your normal life back is feasible by becoming dedicated in amending and facing the challenges. And rehab centers are always at your back to make this life changing tread come true.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Concussion Treatment 101

Should you or a family member ever experience a concussion, the initial step is always to be seen by a physician. A medical team must access the injuries to your brain and determine whether you have a concussion or a more serious brain injury.

In order to be diagnosed with a concussion or brain injury, you need to have a neurological exam. This will likely occur in the emergency room by a physician. If they believe that you may have had a concussion or a more serious injury, they will likely order a series of more definitive testing, such as CT or MRI scans of the brain. A neurologist or radiologist will read the scans and determine the extent of the damage. Once it's determined the person has in fact experienced a concussion, a variety of treatment options will be suggested.

Concussion Treatment #1: Relaxation

The brain is a fragile, jello-like structure where all of our mental capabilities are held. Due to the fragility of the brain, housed within our hard/protective skulls, our brains are not supposed to endure trauma. After a concussion, your brain is in shock and small changes to the grey and white brain matter can result in minor or major effects. Because your brain is in this fragile state, your first step should be to let your brain rest. It is important not to stimulate the brain too much. You should take a few days off of school and/or work and. This may mean actual sleeping or otherwise avoiding intense information, for example video games, sports, concerts, bars and any noisy social conditions.

Concussion Treatment #2: Resume Activities Gradually

The rate where the mind heals varies individual to individual and injuries to injuries. You simply have one brain and also you shouldn't overwhelm it. Lots of people report challenge with:

  • Loss of memory
  • Decreased attention
  • Mental fogginess

It is advisable to resume school, work and social activities a bit at a time. You might want to reduce your course load or work from home or part-time while you ascertain if you are able to handle it. Make certain that the instructors or boss realize that a part of your concussion treatment involves gradually returning to your prior degree of participation. Most teachers and bosses want understand the importance of cognitive healing and don't want you to put your brain and cognitive abilities in jeopardy.

Concussion Treatment #3: Cognitive Rehab Therapy

If the signs and symptoms of loss of memory, decreased attention and/or fogginess from of your concussion aren't healing on it's own, you might want to pursue cognitive rehab therapy. Inform your physician you want cognitive rehab therapy as a concussion treatment. She or he will refer you directly to a neuropsychologist, Speech-Language Pathologist or work counselor who'll perhaps you have do various functional activities to bolster your mind and thinking abilities. Most insurance companies will cover cognitive rehabilitation therapy. This type of therapy usually lasts for 2-3 months with twice weekly therapy. Cognitive rehab therapy focuses both on restorative and compensatory approaches to concussion treatment / cognitive recovery.

Concussion Treatment #4: Online Brain Games

A different way to strengthen your thinking abilities is as simple as playing online brain games created for enhancing cognitive abilities (for aging people or people seeking concussion treatment.) Many sites offer free tests or affordable brain games to assist your memory, attention and problem fixing improve as the brain is constantly on the heal. These games will work on specific skills related to memory, increasing your thinking skills, paying attention and problem solving.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Hyperhidrosis is a medical term for excessive sweating. This problem generally happens in the underarms, feet, face and hands. With the advancement in the medical knowledge there are a lot of treatments for hyperhidrosis available. Some of the treatments provide temporary relief and some permanent. Deodorants or antiperspirants are topical treatments that provide relief for the mild to moderate hyperhidrosis. The sweat glands are blocked and therefore it provides a momentary relief. The treatment has to be used daily. Antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride hexahydrate are the most effective ones.

Botox or botulinum toxin injections also provide relief. These injections paralyze the nerves motivating sweat glands. 15-20 injections have to be taken within 7-16 months. This therapy stops excess sweating for 4-6 months, so the therapy actually provides temporary relief and has to be repeated. Iontophoresis is a treatment that provisionally shocks the sweat glands by shocking them with low electric current. If possible the affected area is dipped in an electrolyte solution and electric current is applied. This therapy requires a prescription, the process itself takes about 15-30 minutes and lasts 10 days.

Liposuction can also be used to remove the fat and some nerves controlling sweat production from the armpits. The procedure takes place under local anesthesia. This is one of very effective, but expensive treatments for hyperhidrosis which provides very little marks afterwards. ETS or Endoscoptic Thoracis Sympathectomy is a process used for treating hands and underarm hyperhidrosis. This therapy is carried out under local anesthesia, the surgeon cuts or destroys the nerve paths leading to the sweat glands. There is no sweating from the area permanently if the surgery is successful.

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